Digital Marketing: The Next Big Profession in India (2025)

digital marketing profession

Digital marketing is among the hot professions of 2021. With the internet getting cheaper day by day and the ongoing pandemic that forced the majority of businesses to go online, the age of offline marketing is on a steady decline, and the scope of digital marketing is increasing along with that.

Why Indians should pursue a career in it?


Well, the stats will speak louder than my opinion.

  • According to a Times Of India report, the number of Indian clients will be around 666 million and the Indian online market will have a worth of 7 trillion rupees by 2023.
  • A Goldman Sachs report indicates that the e-commerce business will grow by 24 percent to reach 99 billion USD by 2024.

Line graph depicting financial year vs market size in billion INR
Author’s own graph using Data Source- Statista
I graphically illustrated the market size of the digital advertising industry across India in billion INR against financial year from 2011–24, taking the data from Statista and the graph depicted an exponential rise of the Indian market size over the years as shown in the above figure.


Readers, it would be a great loss for you if, despite knowing the potential of the market in the near future and not being a part of it.

Now, to add icing to the cake, learning digital marketing is super easy and anyone with sound mental reasoning can master it.

I know you are excited to learn more about the scope of it and the money you can make by pursuing it ( Believe me it’s huge ). So let’s dive straight into it.

Benefit Of Digital Marketing: Why You Should Be a Digital Marketer In 2021.


1. It Is A Remote Capable Job.


Yes, you read that right. You can do the whole job with a laptop and an internet connection in the comfort of your home. It saves you the tussle of getting up every day and commuting to work. You can literally work in your pajamas at any time you wish.

What more could a person ask for, isn’t it?

2. It Has Good Salary Potential.


Once you know your trade, you can easily charge 1000–2000 rupees per hour for your work in your initial years. Most experts in the trade i.e. three to four years down the line sign up for 5 lakh — 10 lakh projects based on their experience and the level of skills they possess.

Here are few clippings of the digital marketing jobs with the salary offered.

Digital Marketing Profession
Digital Marketing profession
Content Writing Job Role.
digital marketing profession
Pay Per Click Manager Job Roles.
digital marketing profession
Digital Marketing Manager Job Role. 

3. You Will Be Connected With Big Business Owners And Entrepreneurs.


Believe it or not, in today’s world where every corner of the planet is linked with each other via the network, connections matter a lot. The more connections you have, the denser will be your network, and hence, the wider your approach.

Digital marketing offers you the opportunity to do so. As a Digital Marketer, your clients will be big business owners and entrepreneurs who are forward thinkers and the front-end shapers of the world.

4. You never get bored.


This is one of the overlooked benefits of being a digital marketer. You never get bored. With new clients and new projects, there is always something to learn and explore.

With most of the conventional corporate jobs, there is underlying boredom that afflicts its employees. People get bored by the stale job at hand and always complain of quitting it. Well, it is not the case with a Digital Marketer.

5. Lawyer-like paying Benefits.


Digital Marketing is a payment-friendly job. As a digital Marketer, you set the payment yourself. You can charge your clients hourly, per 6 minutes, or you could bill after the project completion. And you know what, most companies are willing to pay you as per your method of payment because as an expert digital marketer, they are relying on you for their project to get done.

Know, there is a high probability that most of you who are reading this post are students and wondering –

What does Digital Marketing have to offer me?


You must know that the perks of being a digital marketer are huge and investing a few bucks to learn about the A-Zs of digital marketing and getting certified will do you no harm given that now you know the returns of that investment is huge (as discussed above).

Digital Marketing Course Benefits For Students



  • It is among the fastest-rising streams of education amidst the emerging technologies.
  • All of the leading universities and institutes offer digital marketing courses.
  • Courses and certifications can also be obtained online.
  • Digital marketing courses are job-oriented, and you will be able to start your career quickly.
  • Opportunity to explore a wide range of career options.



Digital marketing is “The” thing of today and will grow in the future without a doubt. With a small investment of time and money, anyone can become an expert in this field, which is one of the biggest merits of this profession.

You can start your journey today on Samantus web training.



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